With him feeling better it also meant that I was still able to go to my sister's bachelorette party on Saturday. Nothing like not sleeping for two days and then heading our for a big, all night celebration! We spent the day in San Diego, day drinking by the pool, hitting up a piano bar and dancing the night away at a club. Here is a picture of me and my sisters, the ONLY photo I am going to post from the weekend, simply because I do not want to humiliate myself or others.
Now we are back to Monday and the LAST WEEK OF SCHOOL! I do not know who is more excited, me or the kids. Summer is here at last! I hope you all had a fabulous weekend and a great start of the week today!
Also, if you are in the Orange County area and are interested in attending the SPACE.NK event I am hosting at Bloomingdale's, click here for the RSVP details! Believe me, you want to be there!
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