I have just found that through almost 8 years of having children and traveling with them, something always comes up. Gone are the days of perfectly planned vacations. My mindset has developed into, "I have no expectations, no matter what happens, it is going to be great, and whatever happens will happen".
This trip has been no exception. On our first day here I posted this picture on Instagram, kicking off the week that was going to be spent by the pool and relaxing.
Eleven hours after taking this photo it was 5:30am, I was covered in throw up and I was turning on the shower. Poor Baby Girl had come down with the flu and beginning at 4am she could not sleep. Too much liquid got to her and it was a massive explosion in the bed, 99% on me. This led to the two of us spending the day inside coloring, watching movies and resting while the boys hit the pool.
Was I planning on someone getting sick? Nope. Was I planning on spending the first day of vacation inside all day? Nope. Did I expect to do three loads of laundry? Nope. But you know what? It was still a great day. Baby Girl and I enjoyed our time just hanging out together and while she napped I was able to read the September issue of Elle from front to back over a three hour period. Something that I have not done in AGES. Sure I would have hoped that she felt well and that we could have spent the day as a family but that is okay. No expectations remember?
Baby Girl went to bed feeling a little better last night and I am hoping this means she wakes up this morning on the mend. I am also crossing my fingers no one else gets sick. Perhaps our vacation will get back on the "traditional" track today but if not, that is okay too.
Traveling with children can be tricky, exhausting and not always according to the plans but there is still nothing better than getting away with the family. Wouldn't you agree?
I am going to take tomorrow off from posting but I will be back later in the week to announce who won the It's Just Darlin Mason Jar Glasses giveaway. Also, the voting for the "Top 25 So Cal Mom Blogs" closes on August 22nd so if you have a chance to vote today and tomorrow, I would really appreciate it!
So sorry to hear your baby girl is sick! Hope she feels better and hope you get to enjoy your vacay soon.