Happy 5th Birthday Middle Man!
I am still in shock that this little guy is turning five. It is crazy town to me. He has grown up in so many ways this past year and has overcome struggles that many young children do not have to face. He is such a sweet boy and I hope I can keep this "mommy is my favorite" thing going for just a little bit longer (sorry hubby). I know that they say life just keeps going faster and faster but it would be nice to put it on hold for just a little bit, right?
And though I am will always deem this day a celebration day for my Middle Man, I am very much aware that this is also a day that brings horrific memories and sadness for our country. Today, all those who lost loves ones are also in my thoughts and prayers.
Happy birthday L! I told Chris this morning I thought he was 4...I can't believe he is 5!! What a cutie.