Tuesday, March 26, 2013

Just Thinking...

I love this picture.  I took it on our trip to Paris in 2011 and it is one of my favorites.  I can't wait to go back...

My younger brother just turned 30 which has opened my eyes to the reality that I am no longer 30 but almost 35 and on my way to 40.  I am in no way opposed to getting older, it just feels slightly weird.  I don't feel like I can already be on my way to 40.  In fact, I feel as if sometimes I am still in my 20's...

Baby Girl changes her clothes 3 times a day.  Remember when it was exciting to think that they could dress themselves?  Now she insists that what she wore to one brother's baseball game is not acceptable for the other brother's game...

For some reason I slept horribly this weekend.  That is always a bummer...

Middle Man has changed is name to Oz.  I am not sure what to think...

I may have been a little too adventurous on a run yesterday.  I am not sure that running massive hills was a good idea...

I never answer our house phone...EVER.  If it is someone I know then they call my cell.  Only sale people call it.  I am not even sure why we still have it...

My Oldest received an award from his Principal yesterday for a random act of kindness.  It is nice to hear every now and then that even though I think I am screwing my children up, I am actually doing something right...

Next week begins Spring Break and I CANNOT WAIT.  Originally we were planning on staying put but now I am getting it itch to head out of town.  A few days in the desert might be just what I need...

I recently watched Oz the Great and Powerful, Pitch Perfect, and Zero Dark Thirty.  They were all fab and nothing alike.  A bit of randomness never hurt anyone.  Just like this post...

Sunday is Easter and ends the 40 days I gave up shopping.  It is silly to me how hard it was in the beginning but how easy it is now.  Silly me...

Even though I have given up shopping, I haven't stopped looking.  I love thisthis and these...

You are welcome for all this deep insight.

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