Wednesday, September 11, 2013


This little man is turning 6 today!
I cannot believe it!

He is by far our most cuddly child and loves to be with me at all times.
He LOVES school, just started Kindergarten and keeps asking when he is going to get homework.
If I leave him with a sketch book he will draw for hours.
There isn't a Lego set he doesn't like.
He is fascinated by space.
He has told me that one day he is going to live in Washington DC and be the President.
His second career choice is an Astronaut.
I know he is going to accomplish anything he sets his mind to.

Happy Birthday Middle Man!

And though we are celebrating our little man today, we still hold a solemn place in our hearts for the loss endured on 9/11.  The memories will never go and our thoughts and prayers will never end.

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