Friday, March 21, 2014


I love this picture of my husband.  I am not even sure he knows I took it.  We were walking around Mission Santa Ynes and he simply just sat down for a moment and took it all in.  It is very rare that I see him pause for a second.  With how much we are going-going-going, these moments do not come often.  But for just a minute, he sat.  I think we all need that every now and then, though we do not always allow ourselves to take it.  About a second after this shot was taken, the kids were yelling to move on and just as fast as he sat, he was at it again, but perhaps with just a little more at peace than he had before.

If you missed it this week...
We came home...
I shared my cowgirl side...
I made a visit here...
and then here...

Happy Weekend.

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