Tuesday, August 16, 2011

Cucumber-Lime Coolers

It has been incredibly hot here in the OC lately.  Don't get me wrong, I love it, but refreshments are definitely a must.  I found a recipe for Cucumber-Lime Coolers in my Williams Sonoma "Cocktail Parties" cookbook and had to give it a try.  Ironically, it was one of the few non-alcoholic cocktails in the book (which did make me second guess whether I should waste the time) but I went ahead and made it anyway.  I am so glad I did!  It was incredibly tasty and refreshing!  Think fresh sparkling Limeade!

And for those moms-to-be out there, this is the perfect mocktail for when you hate not feeling part of the party (see, I am hitting numerous audiences here).

Cucumber-Lime Coolers
Courtesy of William Sonoma "Cocktail Parties" 

1 c. fresh lime juice
6 Tbsp. superfine sugar
Ice Cubes
1 bottle sparkling water, chilled
Thin cucumber and lime slices for garnish

1. Select 4 old fashioned or short glasses.
2. Combine 1/4 c. of the lime juice and 1 1/2 Tbsp. of sugar in each glass and stir to dissolve the sugar.
3. Fill the glasses with ice and then top each glass with 3/4 c. of the sparkling water.
4. Garnish each glass with several cucumber and lime slices and serve at once.


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