Tuesday, September 24, 2013

The 80's

Susie Cakes nailed it with the BoomBox Cake

Saturday night was spent with some amazing people celebrating my 35th birthday.  We told everyone it was an 80's party and we wanted to see people dress up but I had NO IDEA people would go all out.  I mean, all out.  We had JR Ewing, Gene Simmons, Milli Vanilli, President Reagan, Maverick and many, many others.  The hubby even sported a button down shirt sans pants with tube socks a la Tom Cruise in Risky Business.  Guests dined on In and Out Cheeseburgers, Twinkies, and Cool Ranch Doritos.  The bar made up some 80's cocktails and the dance floor was out of control. I danced for hours on end and seriously had one of the best times ever.  I am already loving 35.  I wish I could include all the photos but here are just some from the night.  If I shared all that I would want to, this post would be endless.  
I think Robert Palmer would be proud
Trying to get a group shot on the dance floor.  Seriously impossible


  1. Laughing out loud at the Miami Vice hair...Gene Simmons still the fave...Oh, and JR...

  2. Looks like it was an amazing time! So impressed with your friends and their enthusiasm for dressing the part. Happy belated 35!!


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