Tuesday, June 5, 2012

Sponsor Highlight: Deal Blade

As many of you may have recently noticed, I have opened up my blog to sponsors.  This is a first for me and I am so happy to have them join this little Juggling in Heels family (perhaps not a family because it is just me....).  ANYWAY, I cannot wait to start sharing a little bit about these sponsors with you!

Today's highlight is on DealBlade, who lives by the motto, "it is better to give than to receive...but what if you could do both?".  This is my kind of thinking!

Deal Blade is an Orange County based site that provides discounts off of local restaurants, bars, spas, theaters, retailers and more at up to 90% off retail.  I know what you are thinking.  You are thinking that you are already a part of sites like this so how is it different?   I came prepared with an answer.  The difference is the profits of your purchase go right back to the charities, non-profits and schools that you love!  See, different!

The site launched only 4 weeks ago and will continue to expand over time from Orange County to other cities throughout the West.  A deal is posted weekly and the voucher is mailed to you within one hour of purchasing!  Plus, your giving back to the community.  No brainer.

I am sure at this point your final question is, what if my charity, non-profit or school is not listed?  Again, I have the answer.  If you do not see your the organization you would like to have participate in DealBlade, all you need to do is click here, complete the form and they will get your organization set up for you!

I have mentioned numerous times on this blog that I love when the retail world and the giving world come together and I am so excited Deal Blade has embraced this idea.  Check them out here and sign yourself up!

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